Wednesday 15 January 2014

BodyLove is tough

The New Year comes standard with good feelings, hope for the future and good resolutions. This means, I will lose weight, I will get that promotion, I will start a group for whatever is important or of interest to you… So in the spirit of the good resolutions, I will be kind to my body.

As you all know, I started BodyLove a while back and as a lot of good intentions go… Mine got side tracked by being to busy to pay attention to what really matters. So I have a bit of a confession… I backslid on my own BodyLove.

In 2011, I was so excited about claiming my love for my body and treating it better. I gained so much confidence helping others realize their BodyLove, that when summer came, I went to the beach and dropped my cover up! I felt victorious! I finally overcame my issues with my body.

Last year, my life went into a different direction. I decided to get serious about my career and ended up neglecting my body and its needs. I got sick a few times and most of the time it was stress related. Ughhh, stress’ good friends, emotional eating, sleep deprivation and ultimately weight gain paid me a visit and stuck around. I went from a size 12 to a size 14. Truthfully, I am not feeling my best self. I think that size 12 is my happy weight… Both emotionally and physically!

This presents a revised resolution to get my weight down to the size that makes me feel like ME. J This summer I went to the beach and could not bear, to bare it all. I was playing in the waves with my cover up over my bathing suit which made me feel restricted. I realized that I was back where I had started, when I was critical of my body and caring too much about what other people say. I will be doing more regular BodyLove posts which I hope everyone will enjoy, as well as welcome people to write their own BodyLove post for you, my audience!

Lots of BodyLove,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mish, I am so excited for you! Can't wait to hear more about your 2014 BodyLove journey. I will be following and am currently doing the same. I am not looking to lose weight, just to get toned up again and feeling better... and above all less bloated :) Mwah xoxo


About Me

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I’m dash of photography, a pinch of book nerd, a hint of hiphop, 1 amateur chef, a generous helping of design and a health nut! Mix well and you get a Mishtery!