Friday 15 June 2012

Mish thinks every Friday is a book event

Last week this time, the office was buzzing with last minute things to do and deadlines to meet before attending the annual Media24 Books Literary Awards. I literally threw my heels aside and made my friends wait for me in the parking lot, just so I can upload my Friday Food Fest post! I have to say, I was cutting it fine with those stilletos, posting and grabbing everything in sight and shoving it in drawers... Just to make my desk look clean and neat. With a flushed face, cellphone in hand, camera bag and handbag, I spilled into the car to get to the Awards ceremony at the Raddisson Blue Hotel.  
Our company snagged three out of the six prestigious prizes which I think is pretty impressive. The youngest of the prize winners was Sally Partridge, author of Dark Poppy’s Demise. She is a young talented woman who is passionate about writing. Well done Sally and congratulations on winning the M.E.R Prize for best youth novel for the second time!

The MC of the evening was Vicky Davis, a presenter of Pasella on SABC2. This young woman is a wonderful warm and slightly awkward lady. She is truly a towering beauty as you can see from the photograph. Vicky is more than a television celeb. She is a writer and has written a short story that has been included in Nuwe Kinderverseboek. Her latest title is director! Even when Vicky is not in the lime light she shines. She will be directing her second play called Labirint by Daleen Kruger. With a top notch cast that includes Deon Lotz and the ever popular Illse Roos, this production promises to be a gripping one! If you are in Johannesburg this winter, be sure to catch Labirint when it opens on the 12th of July.  For more information about this show and exactly what it is about, visit Volksblad for the full story! The production will be in Cape Town in August of this year!
Be sure to visit the Cape Town Book Fair starting today and running over the entire weekend. Whether you are celebrating Youth Day tomorrow or Father’s Day on Sunday… The book fair is a great way to spend your day in celebration. For those of you who claim Youth Day and don’t know what exactly the celebration is about, I would suggest clicking here.

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I’m dash of photography, a pinch of book nerd, a hint of hiphop, 1 amateur chef, a generous helping of design and a health nut! Mix well and you get a Mishtery!