I asked myself this question every time I chicken out of a much needed session. I mean it is the best thing you can do for your body and not to mention that it boosts your well being but the lazy or busy factor seems to get the best of me at times.
I had to devise a plan to sneak a fitness session in without thinking of it as the dreaded Ex-words! Extremely sweaty! Extra reps! Exhaustion! Exercise! Oi! Wie het lus daarvoor na ‘n lang dag se werk? The thought of running, doing push-ups, sit-ups and all that jazz did not appeal to my uninspired senses.
So I thought about it and figured that I need to trick myself into increasing physical activity in my life.
Again, just like the concept of BodyLove, there is nothing new about this fitness tip or trickery as I call it. Exercising should be fun. At the end of last month a few friends and I went on a hike... Fresh air, scenic views, fun, chats, laughter and guess what… I didn’t even notice that I was exercising for two hours! How wonderful?! It was a fantastic activity! So another Ex-word dawned on me…Excitement!
I realised that when my vigour for working out takes a dips, I need company to spark enthusiasm again or simply something unusual and or/fun. So after some research on alternative ways to keep active, these 3 activities took centre stage in the production called: Getting Your Active On, The Sneaky Way. I hope you find these activities as fun and effective.
Here are 3 activities to bust boring routines!
Instead of Step Aerobics try Hula Hooping because it burns between 420–600 calories. This is so much fun because this exercise burns roughly the same amount of calories as bootcamp or aerobics. It helps improve flexibility and is killer for toning your arms, abs, back, and legs. Hula hoops are so cheap, you really need to get into the hip swing of things! :)
Instead of stationery bicycle at the gym, try casual cycling for an hour with friends or as in my case… I will be joining the Midnight Mass in Cape Town! Ubuntu Bikes will be giving me this stylish bike to ride. I will do a post on these beauties! Who said that you can't burn calories without any style? Oh, you will burn about 236-354 calories.
Instead of walking for fitness, try hiking with friends for an hour with a back pack. It will burn roughly 500 calories and it the weight of the backpack equals weight trainging which is great for your bones and muscles.
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